Create Earth Day Emails That Convert - Ideas, Tips and More

Create Earth Day Emails That Convert - Ideas, Tips and More

April 20, 2022   —  Comments

Rida Ali Khan

Rida Ali Khan

Did you know that we’re overspending the earth by more than 70%

Yes, our earth is suffering, and it needs our help.

Our earth is suffering

That’s why, every year on Earth Day, brands send emails to their subscribers to spread awareness about this alarming situation. These Earth Day emails are an excellent excuse to run a promotional email campaign and create a positive image of your brand. 

So, if you’re thinking about playing your part in this global event by sending heartwarming emails, here’s some good news. 

We have listed some ideas and tips for creating the best performing Earth Day emails to make your recipients fall in love with your email and boost its engagement like crazy. 

But before moving to those, let’s talk about this year’s Earth Day theme.

Earth Day Theme - 2022 

This year's theme for Earth Day is “Invest in our planet.” 

Invest in our planet is an action plan that requests every individual, government, and business to play their part in building a green economy and sustainable future. This can only happen if we invest in the future (monetarily) both collectively and at an individual level. 

You can incorporate this year’s theme in your email design, copy, or even subject line. Just let your creativity run wild. 

Now that you know this year’s theme, let’s quickly run by our unique list of campaign ideas for Earth Day emails. 

9 Campaign Ideas to Create the Best Earth Day Emails 

Different email campaign ideas for Earth Day emails

Every great thing stems from a great idea. So, we’ve listed down some amazing Earth Day email campaign ideas that will help you create high-converting emails. 

Let’s look at each one by one. 

1. Show your green products

“Go Green” is a famous slogan and action plan that every environmentalist knows. 

In light of this slogan, you can introduce a range of your green-colored products. For instance, you can promote a green-colored capsule collection on Earth Day if you're a clothing brand. 

On the other hand, if you’re a brand that designs interiors, you can introduce your limited-edition, recycled green furniture items. 

2. Mention your brand’s contribution 

One of the best (and our favorite) ideas is communicating and displaying your brand’s efforts to protect the environment. 

You can tell your recipients that your products are eco-friendly or introduce a new sustainable collection. 

Additionally, if you’re a business with a B Corp certification, flaunt it in your email. B Corp companies use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. 

This way, you’ll introduce yourself as a brand that proactively participates in making the earth a better place to live in.

This email from Bellroy is the perfect example of such an email. 

 Earth Day email that represents the brand as environment-friendly

3. Highlight a problem

Another great idea is to dedicate your entire email to one major problem. For instance, you can highlight water pollution with the following statistic; "78% of marine animals are at risk of choking on plastic." 

You can emphasize this problem through your email design or add relevant videos in your emails to shed light on this even more effectively.

This way, your readers will learn about important environmental crises, and you’ll also encourage them to engage with your emails.

4. Run a charity program

You can also incorporate this year’s Earth Day theme, invest in our planet, into your email campaign. 

For instance, you can organize a charity program or partner with an environmental organization to collect money from your recipients. This money will be invested in the betterment of the environment. 

Imagine the click-through rates and positive image such a campaign will bring in. Amazing idea, isn’t it?

Try to write an emotional and powerful email copy that instantly makes your recipients donate to this noble cause. 

5. Interview an environmental influencer

It’s 2022, and influencer marketing has become the new cool. 

If your email marketing strategy is not using influencer marketing, you’re seriously missing out on something important. 

You can host an interview with a renowned environmental activist and share their viewpoints with your readers. You can ask them to hint at your product or service too smartly. 

For instance, they can mention how plastic results in pollution, and your brand uses recycled products to avoid that. 

These activists fight hard for environmental protection, and they can give your readers valuable advice on how they (the readers) can make a difference. 

6. Add a resolution 

Another great campaign idea is to add a resolution about protecting the environment. 

Something like “our Earth Day resolution is to plant more trees; what is yours?” And then you can collect their responses. 

Here you can ask your recipients to add their resolutions through survey forms. Interactive elements like survey forms boost the engagement of your email and allow you to know your subscribers better. 

7. Give promotional discounts

Not to forget this one. 

You can run a promotional email campaign that offers special discounts on Earth Day. 

When it comes to promotional campaigns, there is just one rule. That is, never miss a chance of having one. 

Your Earth Day promotional campaign can bring you incredible sales. Here’s an example from The Citizenry.

Promotional Earth Day email

8. Host or join an Earth Day event

Many brands will participate in Earth Day events. You can be one of them. 

You can host an event online as well. Another option is to embed images in your email that show your brand participating in an Earth Day event. 

It's a proactive way to connect with your readers.

9. Inspire them to go outdoors

In this fast-moving world of technology, people rarely connect with nature. 

So, your email can remind them to connect with their Mother Earth. Also, use this opportunity to endorse your product. 

For instance, if you’re a brand that sells eyewear, you can say something like; "This Earth Day, don’t forget to go out and connect with nature. And while you’re at it, wear these stylish sunglasses from our new collection.” 

This way, you will meet your purpose in both ways. 

These are some campaign ideas that will help you create amazing Earth Day emails. Now let’s check out some amazing Earth Day email subject lines. 

11 Attention-Grabbing Earth Day Email Subject Lines 

Make your subject lines as attractive as nature’s beauty. After all, 47% of recipients open their emails based on subject lines. 

We’ve listed down a few Earth Day email subject lines for your inspiration. Have a look!

  • Dear Earthlings! 🌎 We have a surprise for you. 

  • 🌳 Invest in our planet through us 🌳

  • Our jaw-dropping Earth Day collection 🌏

  • Flat 50% OFF on Earth Day 💰

  • Last chance to avail an Earth Day discount! 🛍️

  • 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏼 Join us in our struggle for sustainability 🧑🏼‍🤝‍

  • 🌲 Say no to deforestation with us! 🌲

  • Eco-friendly collection! Shop now! 🛒

  • 🛍️ 25% off in the spirit of Earth Day. 💰

  • We’re going to plant trees, will you join us? 🌳

  • 🚰 Actionable tips to save water 🚰

Notice how we included this Earth Day’s theme in the subject line. Also, these subject lines are eye-catching because they include emojis, digits, and an element of curiously. Try to add them in your email’s subject line too. 

Best Practices for Creating Earth Day Emails

6 Earth Day email marketing tips to follow

Creating one of the best Earth Day emails is one task but making it outperform all others? That’s a big deal. 

We’ve listed down some best practices to follow while creating and sending your Earth Day emails. These best practices will make your recipients click open your email among the crowd of many others. 

Personalize your email

62% of marketers believe that personalizing emails is a very effective tactic

So, don’t forget to personalize your emails. You can blend your Earth Day campaign with your trigger email campaign for a higher turnover. 

For instance, you can send a welcome email saying, “Welcome to our subscriber list, XYZ. We have a lot to offer you. For now, we’d like to show you our recent Earth Day collection.”

Represent Earth Day through design

Well, this is quite necessary. 

Designs speak louder than words. So try to convey your message through your design. Use an earthy color scheme for your email templates and email background color

Also, your design includes your email copy too. So, try to use phrases like “let’s save the planet” or other Earth Day slogans that represent this event. 

A simpler and more profitable solution will be to use pre-designed Earth Day email templates. They will save your time, effort, and money.

And if you’re using Earth Day email templates from Unlayer, there’s a very high chance that your email will perform better than others. 

Send more than a single Earth Day email

The month of April brings along 2 more important events, i.e., April Fools’ Day and Easter. 

So, if you want your Earth Day emails to get maximum attention, then send more than 1 email. 

As they say, familiarity breeds contempt. Hence, more emails will increase the likelihood of your recipients engaging with your emails. 

Test your email before sending

We can not stress enough how important this is. Test your email to see how it renders on all devices and whether the pictures are loading or not. 

After all, you wouldn’t want to create a captivating Earth Day email just to find out that your email didn’t display well. 

Embed interactive elements

Try to add interactive elements to your emails, such as videos, review forms, or questionnaires. These elements will instantly grab your recipient’s attention and boost your email’s engagement.

Add countdown timers

FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. It is one of the most advantageous marketing and email psychology tactics. 

Add a countdown timer to your Earth Day emails and see how your recipients will be motivated to engage with your emails. But make sure you add a countdown timer to promotional emails only and not to those that collect charity. 

Speaking of countdown timers, here’s how quick and easy it is to add countdown timers in an email template with Unlayer.  

Follow these tips and trust us; you’ll see how your emails convert like crazy.

Top 5 Earth Day Email Examples 

Before you start designing, here are some of the best Earth Day emails that we've collected for you to take inspiration from. 

1. Puma 

This email from Puma is quite simple yet pretty impressive. Their email design is divided into 3 blocks, and each block consists of a different color of the earth. 

In this email, Puma highlights their environment-friendly efforts for reducing waste, recycling products, and introducing an eco-friendly collection. 

Also, each block has a unique CTA button and an attractive image that goes perfectly with their message. We’d totally recommend you to take inspiration from this one. 

Example of a good Earth Day email

2. Outer 

We like this email because it's so simple and yet so perfect. It talks about how Outer has always been a brand that supports the environment. 

They also added a video where they can be seen planting trees for Earth Day. Plus, the email copy is clear and comprehensive, making this email perfect for any reader to understand and interact with. 

Example of a good Earth Day email

3. Nitro 

How cute is this email? First, let’s talk about the color scheme. It's perfect for grabbing a reader's attention. 

Plus, this email influences the readers emotionally by telling them how each tree is associated with multiple animals, birds, and people, through a well-written poem. 

At the bottom of this email, Nitro encourages readers to go paperless to save trees by using Nitro. It is followed by a CTA button that redirects them to a pro version of Nitro. 

As a whole, it's very thoughtfully created while keeping Earth Day and its product in mind. 

Example of a good Earth Day email

4. UnderTheCanopy

Well, here’s the thing. 

Creating an Earth Day email became relatively easier for them as UnderTheCanopy is known for its eco-friendly products. 

We love this email's well-written email header, minimalist email design, and how they introduced each product one by one. 

It’s definitely something you should take inspiration from. 

Example of a good Earth Day email

5. Tarte 

This was hands down the best way to endorse their product while keeping Earth Day in mind. 

The design shows an image of the earth painted with eye shadows from Tarte. Plus, the whole email consists of earthy colors and mentions how they’re focusing on being eco-friendly.  

This is one of our favorites because we loved how creative they were with their product. 

Example of a good Earth Day email

Final Thoughts 

Your Earth Day emails revolve around a very special cause. 

That’s why we wanted to help you create Earth Day emails and provide you with these insightful tips. Try to use them in your campaign, and you’ll witness how remarkably your email campaign will perform. 

Good luck and nail this campaign!

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