Create Stunning New Year Emails - Ideas, Samples & Templates

Create Stunning New Year Emails - Ideas, Samples & Templates

November 26, 2021   —  Comments

Rida Ali Khan

Rida Ali Khan

Last week, I was on the phone with a fellow email marketer. And he kept on ranting about how marketing for Christmas right after the biggest sale of the year took a toll on his creativity to design anything for New Year. 

So, I thought to myself, is this how every other email marketer feels right now -  creatively overwhelmed?

The noble part of me got excited to help him, and damn! We came across the most amazing ideas and tips to create the best New Year emails ever.  

I’m pretty sure I got you curious to know them too. So without further ado, let’s take a look at the best strategies and suggestions to create the highest converting New Year emails that can beat your competitors.  

We’ll start with some campaign ideas.

6 Campaign Ideas to Create Outstanding New Year Emails

The secret behind creating a high-performing email campaign is simple; think about your customer’s interest and plan accordingly. 

Here are some campaign ideas that will interest your readers and motivate them to respond. 

Campaign ideas for New Year emails

1. Help them celebrate 

If you ever hosted a New Year’s party, you’d know that it’s not a piece of cake. So how about offering some suggestions to your customers to have the best New Years’ party? 

Pitch in ideas to host New Year’s party

Send your customers a New Year email that’s full of ideas so that they can benefit from it. For instance, attach a clickable game that they can play during the party. This will boost the engagement rate of your email. 

Besides this, you can suggest some decoration ideas, tips for creating fancy cocktails, or a delicious menu for the party. It’s a great way for nurturing relationships with your subscribers, as they will love you for your creative ideas. 

Offer New Year products for each segment

Create an email campaign that targets different segments of your email list. 

For instance, if you’re a clothing brand, send your subscribers a New Year email suggesting clothes that complement their style. Something that goes like, “Hey, we saw you browsing long skirts, so how about purchasing one from us this New Year’s Eve?” 

By doing so, your subscribers will feel that you care about their interests on an individual level, which will enhance their relationship with you. 

2. Ask for their suggestions 

With the New Year approaching, you would like to do something new for your subscribers, wouldn’t you? 

So take some ideas from them. This will help you understand their interests better. You can do this by adding review/questionnaire forms. Besides collecting suggestions, this campaign is beneficial for boosting engagement rates because of the questionnaires and review forms embedded in them. 

3. Let’s do a self-reflection

John Dewey said, “We don't learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on our experience.”

So, create a New Year email that reflects on everything that your brand has achieved, all the things that have influenced your brand, or how far you have come along your journey. 

An email like this will allow your readers to appreciate your brand as a whole. You can make these emails more interactive and attractive by adding videos showing highlights of memories/achievements or a carousel of your achievements. 

4. Extend an offer of the year

Well, it’s the end of the year so you can offer your customers something memorable and amazing, such as a jaw-dropping promotional discount or free shipping on all your items. 

Your subscribers will be delighted to receive such emails and rush to avail this offer. As a result, you will have happy customers and generate good revenue through this campaign, making it a win-win situation.

5. Thank loyal customers

Loyal customers are your brand’s spine. It’s their constant support and positive word of mouth that enables your brand to flourish.

So, you can create a campaign exclusively for them to thank them for sticking through the year(s). You can give them discount vouchers or send giveaways to reward their loyalty. 

It’s a great way to nurture bonds with your subscribers and all in all, this will be a pretty wholesome email campaign.

6. Share the happiness

They say, “We lift by giving to others.” And we totally second that. 

You can raise charity through your New Year campaign for underprivileged people by collecting funds from your customer’s purchases. Customers appreciate a good gesture more than anything, and you will create a very positive image of your brand. 

Hook the Reader With Your Subject Line - 5 Best Examples

New year email subject line example

A good subject line is like a good salesperson; they convince your customers to take further action by using enticing words. 

Research says, 47% of emails are opened based on their subject lines. Here are 5 of the most catchy email subject lines to take inspiration from for your New Years’ email.

1. Our New Year’s gift? 50% off all week!

2. The best deal of the year

3. Last toast of the year

4. Happy New Year, John!

5. Shop essentials for the New Year’s Eve

Use catchy subject lines like these to grab your customer’s attention and prevent your emails from being ignored. Speaking of grabbing attention, want to create New Year email designs that can instantly catch your reader’s eye? Then read the following.

Design Ideas That Will Be a Treat for the Eyes

A good design is a virtual representative of your company’s image - so make sure you create the best one. 

Here are some trendy design ideas for your New Year emails that will instantly grab your reader’s attention. 

Add festive elements  

One thing that we all excitedly look forward to on New Year’s Eve are the gorgeous fireworks. You can use such festive elements in your email design to denote the spirit of the New Year.

Besides fireworks, confetti is another common element found in almost every other New Years’ email design. Look at how Kate Spade demonstrates this spirit to celebrate in their email. 

New Year email design with festive elements

Make it a little Christmas-y

If you’re a brand with a plan to send only one email this holiday season, then blend your New Years’ email design with a Christmas theme. Just like Christy did below:

New Year email design with a hint of Christmas

Add a touch of promotion

Nothing catches your reader’s attention like a promotional offer. So, you can use attractive colors and fonts to display promotional offers in your emails to attract your subscribers instantly. 

Just like the way LEGACYBOX did, have a look;

New Year email with a promotional design

Insert countdown timers

Use countdown timers in your New Year email designs. A design like this will instantly grab your reader’s attention. Plus, countdown timers are great for creating a sense of urgency among your subscribers and motivating them for impulsive shopping. 

Take inspiration from the below email of J.Crew.

New Year email design with a countdown embedded in it

Present it as your virtual ambassador

Incorporate your brand’s product or service in your New Year’s email design. This will deliver your message more effectively and it’s a great way to attract your readers. 

Here’s an example of a New Year email from Spotify representing their brand in their content.

New Year email design that shows a brand's product or service

Show them that basic is the new cool

Here’s the thing, if you say less, it’s more effective for your reader. 

You can send a to-the-point, short, and sweet email wish, just like the one below from Postable. This will make your email more memorable for your subscribers. 

New Year email design with a simple wish

Create a response enticing design

Use interactive elements in your email designs such as gifs, videos, or questionnaires to get an instant response out of your readers. Look at this amazing New Year email from Boll & Branch.

New Year email design with an interactive feature

Some Helpful New Year Email Templates -  Content and Design

We like quick fixes and we know you love them too. Below are some helpful New Year email templates (content and design) that you can get inspiration from and create the best performing emails ever. 

New Year online event email template

Not everyone's planning to attend a physical party this New Year Eve. For those who aren't, here's an email template to invite over people for a virtual party.

P.S. It has the perfect written invitation in it for your convenience.


New Year email template 


New Year promotional email template

Is your brand planning to introduce a fascinating sale this New Year's Eve? Then here's the perfect email template for you.


New Year email template


New Year party email template

Planning to throw a New Year's party? Here's a sample email template with written text to take inspiration from.


New Year email template


New Year Emails With Evergreen Best Practices 

3 tips for effective New Year email marketing

All these ideas and samples may help you create the finest email ever, but if you wish that your email performs as well as it looks, you must follow the below best practices.  

Automate - time is money 

Set up automated replies to your New Year emails, this will help you save your time and run your campaigns more effectively. 

For instance, if your subscriber clicks yes to your party invite, send them an automated email reply mentioning that their reservation has been confirmed.

Personalize - they will feel special

Research says personalized emails deliver a 6 times higher rate of transaction. 

You can personalize your email with the help of merge tags to add names or by using trigger emails in your New Year’s campaign. 

The first technique will make your reader feel that the email is directed to them while the second technique will give them the impression that the email is specially designed according to their interest. 

Both tactics increase engagement rate and boost revenue. 

Select right time and schedule - saves you from being ghosted

There is bliss in doing things at the right time. 

However, the right time in terms of hours and days can only be identified through A/B testing. But we can suggest one thing for sure, i.e, send your New Year emails both before and right after Christmas. 

The first email will work as a heads up for your New Years’ sale/party (whatever your email intends to deliver), so they can plan their schedules accordingly. The second email will reinforce your message and increase the likelihood of your reader’s engagement.

Select the right email marketing software for each purpose as it will help you to save your time, effort, and money for producing a high-performing email campaign.

That’s a Wrap

Well, I’m pretty sure that the above-mentioned design, campaign, and template ideas will help you create the best New Year emails that your subscribers will receive this year. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get your creative hats on and start planning your New Year’s campaign now.

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