12 Newsletter Platforms You Can Use to Boost Engagement

12 Newsletter Platforms You Can Use to Boost Engagement

March 14, 2022   —  Comments

Rida Ali Khan

Rida Ali Khan

Who doesn’t like new and effective ways of converting subscribers into loyal customers? 

I thought to myself while searching for innovative ways to boost my newsletter’s engagement. 

Truth be told, sending email newsletters is the most effective way of keeping your subscribers informed. In fact, statistics say that 81% of B2B marketers use email newsletters for their content distribution. 

We’re all in the same boat. 

Luckily, I have found some of the best newsletter platforms in the market to boost my newsletter’s performance. Curious to know what these are? 

Then keep on reading to know about the 12 top-performing newsletter platforms that were created just to boost your newsletter's conversion rates. But before that, let’s talk about what exactly newsletter platforms are.

What Are Newsletter Platforms? 

Newsletter platforms, also called newsletters tools or software, allow you to create, send, and increase newsletters' performance depending on your selected tool and requirement. 

Each newsletter tool offers different services or features. You can pick the platform of your choice depending on how you want your newsletter to perform better. 

Features Provided by Different Newsletter Platforms

Every software offers unique or multiple features to improve your newsletter’s performance. These features include;

  • Segmentation: Enables you to increase or segment your subscriber list.

  • Newsletter templates: Provides you with pre-designed templates to create newsletter designs. 

  • Automation: Automates the processes of sending repeated or tailored newsletters.

  • Performance management: Allows you to track and improve the performance of your newsletter campaigns by running A/B tests and more. 

Following are some newsletter platforms that allow these functions. 

12 Top-Performing Newsletter Platforms That Will Boost Your Revenue

You may have 99 problems, but your newsletter's performance ain’t one. Not after reading about the following softwares, at least. 

Continue reading to know the names of the 12 top-performing newsletter platforms that can amplify your newsletter’s conversion rates. 

1. Unlayer


Unlayer as the top-recommended newsletter platform


Recommended for: Designing the best-looking email newsletters

What if we tell you that creating well-designed newsletters is just a matter of a few clicks now? That’s what Unlayer is all about. 

Unlayer is a drag and drop email and landing page builder. It is one of the top preferred tools for designing email newsletters because of its user-friendly interface and reasonable price range, i.e., $0/month for free, $20/month for a designer, and $40/month for a team. 

Designing email newsletters with Unlayer requires no coding or designing skills, so you can save your time, cost, and effort drastically. 

Plus, Unlayer provides 1,000+ professionally designed email templates that can be easily customized according to your choice. The most tempting thing about using templates from Unlayer is that they are responsive on all devices. 

You can personalize each of these email templates with the help of merge tags and save custom design blocks to use later in the future. 

Moreover, you can enjoy additional features like countdown timers, carousels, and team collaboration on upgrading your subscription plan. Unlayer has integrations with some of the best email service providers like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, etc so you can send your emails easily through them. 

Creating newsletter designs with Unlayer will improve your campaign’s performance and your company’s revenue significantly. So, it’s a must-have. 

2. HubSpot

HubSpot as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Boosting the overall performance of your newsletter campaigns. 

HubSpot provides a number of services like designing, sending, testing, and analyzing the performance of your email newsletters. 

With HubSpot, you can design email newsletters from scratch or use their template library to access ready-made newsletter templates. 

Additionally, HubSpot allows you to track who viewed your newsletter, when was it viewed, and what was the device from which it was viewed. So by using HubSpot's built-in testing tool, you can design and run A/B tests by collecting such information. 

Plus, HubSpot’s CRM allows you to segment your subscriber list according to their interest, behavior, and activities. It further allows you to send highly personalized newsletters to each subscriber by combining them with automation features. 

It’s ideal for nurturing relationships with your subscribers and further pushing them down the sales funnel. 

When it comes to pricing, their free plan consists of automation features, forms, CRM, and more. The free plan lets you send 2,000 emails per month and their paid plan starts from $50 per month.

3. CleverReach

CleverReach as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Segmenting your subscriber list.  

Your newsletter campaigns can only be successful if they are highly relatable to your users. This is where segmenting email list becomes an absolute necessity.  

And, CleverReach is the top-recommended tool for segmenting your subscriber list. It allows you to divide your email list based on the products used by your subscribers, their past interactions, demographics, users’ history with you, etc. 

Besides segmenting, it allows you to create your own emails newsletters, formulate personalized emails, run A/B tests, and track the performance of your campaigns. 

Their pricing plan starts from €15/month for their essential plan and from €495/month for their enterprise plan. 

4. Sender.net

Sender.net as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Smooth automation process of newsletter campaigns.

Sender.net is a drag and drop tool that offers a smart automation service such as creating workflows that are triggered by events and actions. These allow you to set up automated messages to avoid spending time on repetitive tasks. 

Such automation features facilitate the process of reaching your subscriber and making them feel like they are being addressed at an individual level.

Plus, Sender.net has a very high email deliverability rate because of its high domain reputation.

Additionally, it provides you with embedded forms and pop-ups that can be used to create a subscriber list. When counting the total subscriber entries, it only counts unique entries, unlike many other email marketing platforms. 

Also, Sender.net allows you to analyze the performance of your email campaign in-depth to make necessary improvements.  

In terms of pricing, their standard plan charges $41.75/month, while their professional plan charges $208/month. 

5. Constant Contact 

Constant Contact as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Providing the best newsletter services for big and small businesses. 

Constant Contact is pretty user-friendly and suits all industries. It allows you to upload a subscriber list from any platform and has amazing automation features that allow you to build stronger relationships with your subscribers. 

With Constant Contact, you can easily send highly tailored newsletters based on your subscriber’s behavior, actions, and interests. And, it actively keeps track of your unsubscribers, inactive users, and bounced emails. 

Also, you can check your campaign's performance, which further allows you to strategize your future campaigns. 

One of the most talked-about qualities of Constant Contact is its excellent customer service and provision of helpful tutorials. 

As for as their pricing plan is concerned, Constant Contact is $20/month, whereas their email plus plan is available for $45/month. 

6. Ghost

Ghost as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Controlled and customized publications.

Ghost introduces itself as the “modern publishing platform.” It is recommended for writers who want to launch their newsletters. 

Let’s talk about the perks first. Ghost gives you complete control over your newsletter’s content and subscriber list. That means you can create customizable publications and decide which subscribers can access them. 

Further, you can segment your subscriber's list based on whether they pay you or not, how much they pay you, etc. 

There’s 1 obstacle for writers: posting newsletters is not free, i.e., the user has to pay $9/month to Ghost. And if s/he wants additional features, they’ll have to pay even more. 

However, Ghost doesn’t charge a commission on transactions which is a good thing. It’s highly recommended for writers looking for a platform to display their ideas. 

7. AWeber

AWeber as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Improving your newsletter campaigns.

Some tools have successfully passed the test of time, and AWeber is one of those. It’s one of the oldest email marketing softwares and provides various solutions to boost your newsletter’s performance. 

It allows you to create sign-up forms to build your subscriber list. Once your list has been established, you can create email designs from scratch with AWeber or choose from their library of pre-designed email templates.

Further, it allows you to create an automated sequence to send personalized emails to each client. 

Also, you can split test and divide your newsletters according to their open and click rates to track what feature suits them best.

In addition, AWeber provides active customer support through chats, phones, live webinars, etc. And their pricing starts from $19.99/month for 500 subscribers (and unlimited emails). They also offer a 30-day free trial for beginners. 

8. Drip

Drip as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Advanced automation features.

If you want highly beneficial automation features for your newsletter campaigns then Drip is what you are looking for.  

It helps you understand and analyze your customer’s behaviors and actions. This further allows you to send targeted and personalized newsletters to each customer at the right time. 

In addition to that, Drip provides more features such as segmentation of subscriber lists, designing emails with their drag and drop editor, tracking and measuring data based on sign-ups, click-throughs, and more. 

Drip’s pricing plan starts from $19/month. You must go for it if you need advanced automation. 

9. ConvertKit

ConvertKit as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Paid newsletters.

ConvertKit is specially designed for bloggers, YouTubers, and people who want to build a special relationship with their audience.

ConvertKit makes it super convenient for you to create and sell your email newsletters. You can simply make your channel through ConvertKit and add valuable content that your audience can invest in. 

These payments are powered by Stripe and can be conducted without leaving the application. In addition to this, they offer customizable newsletter templates and sign-up forms to attract subscribers. 

They have a visual automation builder that allows you to create and monitor drip campaigns, enabling you to send triggered emails to your subscribers to boost conversion rates. 

Plus, it offers efficient customer support through email tickets and workshops. You can observe and track how quickly your newsletter’s audience is growing. 

However, ConvertKit doesn’t have a drag and drop feature, unlike other newsletter platforms. And, they don’t offer an attractive range of pre-designed template designs because they focus on sending text-only emails. 

Their pricing plan starts from $0/month for 300 subscribers, $15/month for up to 300 subscribers and limited features, and $29/month for up to 300 subscribers for all features. 

10. Substack

Substack as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Journalists and writers that offer exclusive content.

Substack was established in 2017, but it’s only recently that journalists and writers seriously hyped it up. 

Basically, it’s quite different from other newsletter platforms. Substack is primarily free for all subscribers. But some newsletter pieces are not accessible to readers for free as per the writer’s choice.

For such content, Substack takes 10% of what every subscriber pays. And this payment is processed through Stripe, a payment processing service that is integrated with Substack. 

This platform is beneficial for writers who want to publish and monetize their content. But they must keep in mind that Substack takes 10% of each purchase. 

Substack may be the tool of choice for newsletter writers, but it’s not the right pick for people looking for tools to run A/B tests and segmentation of lists. 

11. MailerLite

MailerLite as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Tracking performance through advanced features.

MailerLite is perfect for those who work on a strict budget. It allows you to create amazing newsletter designs that your subscribers will love to interact with. 

And designing newsletters with MailerLite requires no coding skills at all. Plus, it allows you to segment your email list and personalize your messages based on that segmentation. 

With advanced features, you can track the performance of your newsletters in the form of statistics and get a detailed report. 

These stats are collected based on open rate, click rate, subscriber growth, and overall engagement. Plus, you can also filter out contacts if you want. 

These advanced features are optional; you can go with the basic features of your choice. Lastly, the pricing plan for MailerLite is free for 1,000 contacts and 12,000 emails/month. In comparison, the paid plan costs $10/month for 1,000 subscribers and unlimited emails. 

12. Campaigner

Campaigner as a recommended newsletter platform

Recommended for: Having complete control over newsletter campaigns.

Campaigner claims that they are more than just an automation tool, and they couldn’t be more right about this. 

Campaigner is designed to give you autonomy over your campaign. It’s perfect for you if you work for a growing team. It provides you with a template library to create newsletter designs. 

It has a very strong automation workflow that allows you to send email newsletters on specific triggers like when a user signs up or makes a purchase, etc. 

Their pricing plan starts from $59/month. You must go for it if you want to boost your newsletter campaigns as per your choice. 

This is it. These are the top recommended tools that I discovered to boost my newsletter’s performance. Before you pick one for yourself, read below to know the right way of choosing a newsletter software. 

How to Pick the Best Newsletter Platform? 

Features that your selected newsletter must have

You will get a little overwhelmed by the number of choices you will see on the internet. 

To clear your confusion, we’ve jotted down some qualities below that we think must be in your newsletter platform. Have a look at these and make sure to add them to your checklist too. 


Pay special attention to your selected software’s interface and your experience while using it. 

If it's not user-friendly, then you’ll have to spend a lot of time and effort trying to figure out how it works, which obviously is quite repulsive. 

So make sure that your selected newsletter platform is easy to use and gets your job done with convenience.  


It’s better to use and pay for a single software that provides you with multiple solutions than to look for different ones for each task. 

For instance, let’s just take our example here, Unlayer is primarily an email design platform. However, it makes sure that you are offered additional features like personalization and provides integrations with some of the best ESPs to send emails. 

This versatility of functions ensures that you don't have to hop on to different softwares to perform multiple tasks.


It’s pretty obvious that your main goal was to increase your return on investment when you searched for newsletter platforms. 

And, that would only be possible if you select a software that is economical and falls within your budget. So, choose a platform that ensures that your email marketing cost brings you profit. 


Pick a platform that clearly explains and shows how your newsletter’s performance will improve after using it. 

For instance, an automation service can assure you that your conversion rates will increase by sending tailored emails, etc. 

Fulfills requirements

An important thing that you need to keep in mind while picking a newsletter software for your campaign is whether it fulfills your requirements or not. 

For instance, let’s assume I am looking for a tool to segment my email list, then my selected platform must have and specialize in that specific feature. 

Template library

Your selected newsletter platform must have a rich template library to save you from the hassle of looking for inspiration and designs elsewhere. 

Our Thoughts

So, here is the list of best newsletter platforms or tools that you can use to boost your revenue. 

Let us clarify that these aren’t listed in the best to worst suggested order. You can pick the appropriate one for you according to your needs and preferences. 

With that being said, we wish you find your perfect match that will quadruple the performance of your email and boost your revenue. 

So, which platform do you prefer? Feel free to comment below.

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