Internal Email Templates

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Email Templates

You landed here searching for internal email templates to communicate important matters within your organization, right?

Sounds great because good communication can improve and sustain relationships within your company. And communicating through emails will allow you to keep things personal and professional - the best of both worlds, you know.  

Good news is that we have a range of internal email templates that will make your emails look more impressive and personal. But before you go ahead and pick one, read below to know the must-have design elements that your internal email templates should have  

Design Elements to Find in Internal Email Templates

Make sure that your selected internal email template has the following design elements; 


If you want your internal emails to look appealing and exciting, pick an email template with a specific theme. 

For instance, if you’re sending Thanksgiving emails to your colleagues, ensure it has design elements that go with Thanksgiving, such as animations of a turkey or a brown, orange, and yellow color palette.. 

Personal touch 

Nothing wins hearts like a personal touch. Hence, a fruitful practice would be to pick an email template that looks like it is designed especially for the person to whom the email is addressed.

For instance, if you’re planning to send a birthday email to employee X, you can pick an email template that features employee X’s favorite things, such as a cake, jewelry, or purple color. 


Even the most beautifully designed email will fail to impress your recipient if it isn’t presented well. So make sure that your selected email template is responsive and looks good on all devices. 

Why Choose Unlayer’s Internal Email Templates?

Well, that’s because Unlayer provides a vast library of beautifully designed email templates that will enable you to create emails without the help of any designer or developer. And using Unlayer will reduce your cost and time of email production drastically. 

You can customize Unlayer’s email templates with the help of a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor. Plus, you can personalize these email templates by using smart merge tags. The best part is that all these templates are responsive and look good on all devices. 

Once you’ve designed your email, you can send them through the ESP of your choice, like Mailchimp, HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, etc. 

Sounds convenient and efficient? Then pick and choose your favorite internal email template and start designing now.