Feedback Emails Masterclass: Create Emails That Get Response

Feedback Emails Masterclass: Create Emails That Get Response

October 25, 2023   —  Comments

Rida Ali Khan

Rida Ali Khan

“The only thing worse than not requesting feedback is not acting on it.” - Frank Sonnenberg.

That’s right. 

Feedback helps us understand what our customers like and don’t like about our product or service. Without them, you’d be clueless about what segments of your product or service deserve attention. 

So, if you want to understand your customers better and offer them what they need, send them feedback emails. And not just any feedback emails; send them the most well-designed, thoughtfully written, and well-timed ones. 

How, you ask? Well, this is what we’re here for.  

But to begin, let’s discuss the benefits of feedback emails. 

Why You Should Send Feedback Emails to Your Customers?

Benefits of sending feedback emails. 

Feedback email is a type of follow-up email sent to your subscribers or customers to understand them better and offer services they need or are looking for. You’ll be surprised to learn that a single feedback email can offer multiple benefits to your business. 

For starters, it allows you to understand your customer’s preferences and perceptions better.

When you send them a feedback email that successfully triggers a response from them, your email response rate goes up. This metric is an indicator for your customer relationships. This means it helps you improve your relationship with customers by sustaining the old clients and attracting new ones.

And it goes far beyond this. By learning more about your customers, you can improve your product and add features they requested. Adding their requested features will enable you to stay up to date with the latest market trends and outperform your competitors.

That’s right, feedback emails can help you achieve all these benefits. But only if you create a feedback email that's actually worthy of their response.

How to Create Engaging Customer Feedback Emails?

Back in university, did undergrad students come to you and request you to fill out their research forms for them? And in response, you would turn some down while filling out the others. 

In retrospect, what made you choose the ones you filled out? The topic of the research or how you were requested to fill it out, no? 

Similarly, your audience will only respond to your email if you ask them the right way and it resonates with them. To ensure that, follow these steps:

Decide the intent and target audience 

Once you’ve made up your mind about running a feedback email campaign, your next step is to think about the actual purpose of these emails, who do you want to send them to, AKA your target audience, and how you wish them to respond to you. 

Once you’ve created a mind map, pen these ideas down and create email workflows. For instance, once you send them a feedback email, your recipient may respond negatively. In such cases, send another email to address their issues or criticism. 

Write captivating subject lines  

Subject lines have been assigned the hardest job in the whole email marketing campaign, i.e., to lure people to click open the email. 

The trick to craft an email subject line that gets clicked is to keep it short, personalize it, and clearly mention what the email is about. The following subject lines are perfect examples of well-written email subject lines

⭐ How did you like our new feature/product? 

⭐ We just need 5 minutes of your time. 🫠

⭐ Complete this survey and win a $50 gift card. 

⭐ We want to know what you think of us. 

⭐ Hi Ana, did you enjoy the event last night? 

Craft copies that encourage reaction

Once your customer clicks open your email, your next step is to win them over through email copy. Again, keep it short and concise. 

Mention why you’d like to receive feedback from them and how valuable they and their feedback are for you. And if you’re planning to offer an incentive to them, be transparent and mention that clearly, too.  

Here are three samples of feedback emails that might inspire you: 

Product/Service feedback email

Hello Maria, 

Thank you for visiting The Fresh Start. 🥀 We’d love to learn about your experience and know if we can offer you something better or improve our services in any way. And for that, we’d be grateful if you fill out this 5-minute survey form. 

Click here to take the survey. 

As a thank you, here’s a $20 gift voucher for your next purchase. 

Negative feedback email 

Dear Gloria,

Thank you for taking the time to fill in our survey. Your feedback is immensely valuable to us, and we appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts with us.

We carefully read and reviewed your feedback and will use it to improve our services. This input is quite helpful for us in understanding your needs and preferences.

If you have any more concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re always available to assist you. 


Positive feedback email 

Hi Patricia,

We are grateful for the positive feedback you provided us. Your appreciative words mean the world to us and encourage us to offer even more exciting services. 

To express how immensely happy we are with your feedback, we’ve attached an Amazon gift voucher below. Hope you like it!  

Stay connected. 

Hope these samples help you craft your own version. Just try to get to the point as soon as possible and talk to your customers like they are your friends. 

Use interactive design elements 

You have no idea how beneficial it is to add interactive elements to your emails. They instantly attract your reader's attention, make interaction with emails enjoyable, and boost conversion rates. 

Statista states that 52% of marketers worldwide found interactive email content as the most effective content marketing tool. 

Now these are the design elements that you should try your best to include in your feedback email, but if you want to save time and cost of designing them, you can leverage Unlayer’s pre designed email templates

Unlayer’s pre-built email templates are not just incredibly beautiful, but they’re also responsive and can be easily customized as per your brand guidelines. So, let’s have a look at some feedback email templates that you can leverage for your next campaign. 

Feedback Email Templates That Leave Viewers Awestruck

Designing emails that encourage your recipients to respond to your emails can be frustrating. And Unlayer’s prebuilt feedback email templates are the perfect solution to this problem.

Just one look at them will convince you that these email templates have the potential to improve email engagement. 

See for yourself! 👀

Template 1: 

Did your customer recently visit your store? Then, ask for their feedback about your products or customer service. Their feedback will help you understand what they liked about your brand or what things can be improved. 


Feedback email from Unlayer.


Get this template. 

Template 2:

Sold yet another product? How about asking your customers how they liked it? This can be your opportunity to upsell your products and know them better. 


Feedback email template from Unlayer. 


Get this template now. 

Template 3: 

Another email template to help you ask your customers about their thoughts and suggestions about their recent purchases. 

As you can see, this email template is designed for the gaming customers. If you decide to send an email with a similar intent, don’t forget to customize its colors, images, and copy according to your brand or message. 


Feedback email from Unlayer.


Get this template now. 

Template 4: 

Just like the first one, this email template helps you ask for your customer’s feedback. This is more of an image-heavy email design, but you can easily alter the image-to-text ratio if you want to. 

Like this email design? Then, customize it according to your choice and send it to your beloved subscribers. 


Feedback email from Unlayer.


Get this template.

Template 5: 

Here’s another option for you. If your customers recently attended your event or webinar, ask them for their feedback with this bright-looking email template. 


Feedback email template.


Get this template.

If you’re someone who was looking for pre-built feedback email templates with designs that steal hearts and code that doesn’t break, these email templates are the right choice for you. 

You can also use Unlayer’s drag-and-drop email builder to design one from scratch in under five minutes. Try it out now!

But wait, before you start building your own, read the below-mentioned best practices to help you design a high-performing email template. 

Best Practices To Get More Clicks on Feedback Emails

Tips for creating engagement-worthy feedback emails. 

Designing an email template is one thing, but designing an email that entices users to interact with your brand requires a little more strategy. 

And for you, we’ve listed everything you need to do or incorporate in your feedback emails. 

👉🏿 Personalize it

Personalize your feedback emails, and remember that email personalization goes way beyond your subscriber's first name. Try to clearly mention what you’re asking their feedback for and what difference it will make for you as a brand.  

👉🏿 Offer value

You’re asking your subscribers for something pretty valuable, i.e., their time. So try to offer them something in return too. 

You can add gift coupons or promotional vouchers to your feedback email. While you’re at it, make sure the reward for filling out the feedback form is prominent through design and well-placed. 

👉🏿 Choose the right time

Another important thing to consider is the time to send the email. Decide the sweet spot between too soon and too late. For example, if you’re asking for their feedback regarding an event that you hosted, make sure you send it a day after the event so the memory is fresh and they’re excited enough to talk about it. 

👉🏿 Add humor

You can’t even imagine the power of funny emails. They work wonders in getting a response out of your readers. But be careful about the intent of your email. You shouldn’t add humor if your feedback email talks about a memorial service or a serious cause. 

👉🏿 Thank your readers

Once you’ve received their response, thank them for taking out their time and tell them how valuable each feedback is for you as a brand. 

After all, it's the customers who make any brand a success or a hit. 

👉🏿 Mention the length of the survey

This one is quite important.

In the subject line or preheader, mention how long it will take them to fill out the survey form or questionnaire. When someone says, “Please fill in this form,” we automatically assume it will be long and boring. 

So, if you mention that it's not going to take longer than 3-5 minutes, they’d happily fill out the form for you.

In summary, these tips will help you get maximum responses for your feedback emails. 🚀

Wait, it’s not over yet. We saved some design inspirations for the last. So yes, here’s a couple of feedback email designs that we really liked. These might help you in creating your own exciting email designs. 

Brands That Designed The Cutest Feedback Emails Ever!

Going through a creative block while thinking about your feedback email designs? 

No worries, these emails will help you find the email design inspiration you’re looking for and get your creative juices flowing. 


Feedback email example from Maze. 

Industry: SaaS 

The pleasant color palette alone was enough to make us stop and read the whole email. Also, notice how they went for a single-column layout for their feedback email. It straight away leads the eye to the CTA or call-to-action button

Also, the way they separated the different segments of their emails with colors makes it easier for the reader to consume the information. 

Kate Spade

Feedback email example from Kate Spade. 

Industry: Fashion Industry 

Another no-fluff, straight-to-the-point email. 

We love how the email has minimalistic design elements yet succeeds at being attractive enough to win attention. 

From the email copy to the background color of the email, everything is just perfect. Moreover, Kate Spade effortlessly inserted the reward for filling in the survey form and CTA in this email. 

This is the kind of email design you should aim for. 

Artifact Uprising 

Feedback email example from Artifact Uprising. 

Industry: Photography and printing industry

We love us some visual communication. 

This feedback email holds an image of an archaic communication method usually adapted by children for playing. It makes the email look attractive and visually reinforces the message “Let’s talk.”

Also, this is an incredibly well-written email because it’s not just precise but also witty and clearly mentions that the survey is no longer than four questions. 

Feeling inspired to create your own feedback emails? Awesome, then we successfully did our job. 😉

Final Thoughts!

Want your bonds with your customers to be as strong as a covalent bond? 

Then, start planning out your feedback email campaign and let them know how valuable their input is in improving your products or services.

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