How to Reply Thank You Email Professionally (5 Free Copies)

How to Reply Thank You Email Professionally (5 Free Copies)

January 12, 2024   —  Comments

Sunila Javed

Sunila Javed

“Accept compliments with courtesy and gratitude.” This is exactly what we all have been taught since our childhood. 

But what if you receive an appreciation or a “Thank You” email from a colleague, a boss, or a customer? Would you just type “Most Welcome” and press send? Or you would find yourself staring at your laptop screen and then end up googling “how to reply thank you email?” 

Responding to thank you emails may feel like a steep hill to climb. But hold on! You are not alone. Let me walk you through how to reply to compliments that add a pinch of delight to the recipient’s day.

When to Respond to Thank You Emails ⏰

Responding to any thank you email promptly is a good practice as it is not something that demands you to do research. It’s acknowledging someone wholeheartedly while being the professional you. Isn’t it?

If you still need some time to acknowledge your recipient, it is completely okay. But try not to take more than 24 hours to put a smile on your recipient’s face. 

Related: What’s the Best Time to Send Email? Data-Backed Answers

5 Tips to Spice up Replies of a Thank You Email 🤫 

You can either use the free samples or craft your own. The choice is totally yours! 

Remember your response should not only convey your thoughts but must also resonate with your recipient.

Here are a few tips and tricks that you must keep in mind while writing a really good email copy

1.  Acknowledge the sender

One of the best tips to open your email is by acknowledging the sender. Be courteous and show them some gratitude for their compliment. 

2. Say less but say more

So, what does this actually mean? Make it brief but crispy for the recipient. Your response is just a kind of follow-up message. No need to exaggerate things at all. 

3. Stick to personalization

And yes, personalization is the key to writing a good copy. Tailor your message according to the thank you email you have received.

Related: How to Personalize Emails the Right Way? 10 Proven Tips

4. Respond promptly

Do not take months or even days when it comes to responding to your email. Try to send a speedy reply. Responding to a thank you email within a day is considered a good practice. 

5. Format email properly

Your email must follow a proper format, like a good start by greeting the recipient, properly structured body in two to three short paragraphs, and ending with a polite note.  

Here you can have a quick glimpse of what a well-formatted and well-structured response to a thank you email to a supervisor looks like:

How to respond to a thank you email to a supervisor

How to Reply Thank You Email: 5 Free Templates for You 💪🏻

Replying to thank you emails can be as easy as ABC if you understand a very simple concept: the position of the recipient or your relation with the person to whom you are sending the email. 

Then and only then you can master the art of crafting a good piece of content as per your taste. 

Fear not! We have got you covered. 🤝

We have chosen the top 5 samples to give you a sense of satisfaction that you are not just replying to them out of courtesy but are also interested in making a lasting connection. 

1. Reply to a thank you email to a colleague

Dear [Colleague’s Name],

Thank you for your kind words. It was a pleasure working with such an amazing team and a dedicated colleague like you. 

If there’s any future project in which we can work together, just count me in!

Just can’t wait to accomplish bigger and better together!


[Your Name]

2. Reply to a thank you email to a customer

Dear [Customer’s Name],

Thank you for your positive feedback. We are overwhelmed to know that you loved our [product/ service name]. 

At [Company Name], we are working hard to offer top-notch quality, and customers like you are the reason we keep going. 

If there is anything else we can do for you, please reach out to us. 

Best Regards,

[Company Name] Team

Related: Feedback Emails Masterclass: Create Emails That Get Response

3. Reply to an appreciation email to your boss

Dear [Boss’s Name],

I am glad to know that my hard work paid off. Your leadership is what kept us all motivated throughout the project. 

If you feel like there are areas where I can improve myself further, I am all ears!

Looking forward to contributing to the team’s success.

Kind Regards,

[Your Name]

4. Reply to a thank you email to a job interview

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

Thank you for your thoughtful note. I am pleased to know that you found the interview beneficial. 

It’s great to know your enthusiasm for the post of [Job Position Title] at [Company Name]. We will be shortlisting candidates in the coming week and will get back to you shortly. 

Thanks once again for showing interest in joining [Company’s Name].


[Your Full Name]


[Contact Details]

5. Reply to a thank you email to a friend

Hey [Friend’s Name],

Your message just made my day. I’m feeling over the moon that I could help you with [whatever you assisted them with].

Friends like you are a true blessing, and having each other’s back is what friends are for. 

If there’s anything I can do for you, or even if you want to hang out, just ping me! 


[Your Name]

Wrapping It Up! ✌🏻

Umm, that’s pretty much it. I hope that your fear or hesitation about how to reply thank you email has gone away. Is it so? Right!

So, what are you waiting for? Go to your inbox and check out if there are any thank you emails that you need to respond to. Two? Three? And the number goes on. 

Buckle up and try out our free samples if you really want to make someone’s day a little brighter.

Happy email-ing! 📤

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